We keep asking God for a sign to let us know He hears our prayers or a sign to show us His answer. We keep looking for reassurance when He has already given it to us. Jesus says with the faith of a mustard seed we can move mountains. Our Father cares for the flowers in the fields. How much more does He care for us and our needs. Jesus told Thomas "Because you have seen me, now you believe, blessed are they that have not seen and yet believe."
For we walk by faith not sight. Regardless of the lies of the enemy, God is in control and He is working it out for our good. Trust in Him and His word.
Darlene Pryor
Follow Your Dreams

Sunday, November 27, 2016
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Saturday, October 1, 2016
October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer awareness month. Many of us will take this time to acknowledge and commemorate those who have fought and are still fighting the insidious disease; breast cancer.
Many of you will gather along with countless others to “Race For The Cure” at numerous fundraising walk/runs around the country. I am a survivor and this means a lot to me on a very personal level. Not only is October Breast Cancer Awareness month, but I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October, 2010. It has been six years since diagnosis and five years since I completed treatment. Something to shout about, I’d say.
As a survivor, I feel I have a responsibility to speak out and remind others that this disease can attack anyone. Cancer does not discriminate. I also want my presence to serve as a reminder that a cancer diagnosis is no longer an automatic death sentence. We are still fighting for a cure through research and education.
This year I have decided that I will donate a portion of the profits from all sales of Dreams Of Tamar during October, to breast cancer research/awareness.
If you make your purchase during October, your purchase will help increase breast cancer awareness. If you would like to join in our efforts to support breast cancer research/awareness, you can purchase a copy of Dreams Of Tamar online at amazon.com books or at the createspace estore. We are currently enabling our website, palmarborpress.com to take online orders for signed copies of this insightful novel.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Dreams Of Tamar on sale now!
Diedra as she struggles with marriage, motherhood, and friendship on a journey
that will teach her about God’s redeeming love and his promise to fulfill her
wildest dreams.
Available now at the Createspace estore for $12.99. Coming to Amazon.com and Kindle Direct as early as October 5, 2016
Createspace estore
Dreams Of Tamar
Available now at the Createspace estore for $12.99. Coming to Amazon.com and Kindle Direct as early as October 5, 2016
Createspace estore
Dreams Of Tamar
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Book review: The Shack, by Wm Paul Young
The Shack, by Wm Paul Young, is the story of the spiritual journey of Mackenzie Allen Phillips. Mack grew up in a troubled household, the son of an alcoholic and abusive father who possessed standing in their church. One day, in the aftermath of a particularly brutal beating, Mack laced every bottle of liquor on the family property with poison and he walked away from his family, never to return.
After several years of leading a transient lifestyle, which included a stint at a seminary, Mack settles down to marry the beautiful Nan. They raise five children, including the inquisitive Missy. Mack takes his three younger children on an end of summer camping trip while Nan is away on business. The last morning of their stay at the campsite, tragedy strikes. His family is devastated and tries desperately to recover.
Three years later, during a snow storm, Mack finds a mysterious note in his mailbox inviting him back to the shack. He returns to the site of his life's greatest horror and has a fantastic encounter that changes his life.
I loved this book? After reading this story I felt like I really wanted to know more about the author and his own spiritual journey. I have to say that the forward was a bit misleading, but it helped to draw me into the story. It was thought provoking and insightful. I truly enjoyed reading this story and I highly recommend this book.
Darlene Pryor
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
What Defines You?
You are not defined by what has happened to you in your life.
What defines you is how you respond to what happens to you
You are a survivor!
You are an over comer!
You are victorious!
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Another Excerpt From My Upcoming Novel, Dreams Of Tamar
restaurant had a comfortable elegance. It offered a quiet atmosphere and it was
the perfect place to relax and absorb a startling revelation such as they had received.
As soon as the ladies were seated their waiter, a young college student,
approached their table with water glasses, complementary brŏtchen, and menus.
he filled their glasses he asked Brea how she was enjoying the weather and had
she had an opportunity to dine at the Old Farmhouse before? Was she originally
from Jacksonville or was she here to attend the university? Brea smiled
politely and replied that she loved the weather, and the Old Farmhouse was her
favorite restaurant. She’d lived in Jacksonville for many years now, and had
even attended high school there, but she’d graduated from UCONN many years ago.
looked at Brea appreciatively and said, “I’m sure it couldn’t have been too
many years ago.”
and Cassandra smiled across the table at each other and Diedra took a sip from
her glass mumbling “No he isn’t trying to flirt,” as the exchange took place.
waiter, who looked to be no more than 19, was not put off one bit. He smiled at
Brea with a full set of beautiful white teeth and said. “Well, I’ve always been
a Husky fan. I’d love to get with you sometime and share insights on
Husky-mania and its impact on the basketball fans of today.”
that Diedra began to cough uncontrollably. Cassandra jumped up and hurriedly
moved around the table to assist her as she tried to regain her composure.
Cassandra patted Diedra’s back vigorously as she tried unsuccessfully to stifle
her own laughter. Brea shot them a sharp glance before she responded to the
young waiter.
extremely flattered, um Michael, is it?” she asked, reading his name-tag. “But
frankly, I find the whole idea of Husky-mania having any visibly lasting effect
on even a minute portion of society to be grossly overstated. Now if you’d
really like to get together and discuss any relevant social issues, preferably
those pertinent to us here in Alabama, I’d be more than happy to get together
with you and any other students who’d like to hold an open forum. That’s
something we did regularly back when I was in college… several years ago.” She
looked pointedly at him. “We found it to be both an enlightening and
entertaining experience that proved to be even more beneficial when we were able
to include faculty members.” She turned to Diedra and asked “Don’t you agree Mrs.
shook her head in agreement, coughed once more, and then she and Cassandra
completely fell apart. They laughed so hard that they both nearly fell over
onto the floor. They were both brought
to tears. Cassandra looked at the waiter and tried to pull herself together. She
wiped her eyes and sat up straight in her chair saying, “Don’t mind us. It’s
been a terribly long day. Very stressful, and I don’t even know why I’m
laughing. She smiled at Diedra and tried to continue, but just shrugged her shoulders
and took a long swig from her glass of water. She held her glass out to Michael
and sheepishly said, “More water please.”
rested an elbow on the table and put her fist to her mouth as she bit down on
her lower lip in an attempt to cover her own smile. Then she smiled at her friends and turned to
Michael. “Please forgive my friends,” she said as lightly as she was able. “It
really has been a stressful day. If you’ll give us a moment, we’ll be ready to
order shortly.”
that, the young man excused himself and the three ladies watched him walk
across the room.
see you’ve still got it, Brea!”
Cassandra said as she leaned over and watched Michael disappear behind
the swinging doors that led to the kitchen. Brea smiled coyly and asked. “What
are you talking about Cassie?”
talking about the way you can’t go anywhere without someone hitting on you. I
swear Brea! You probably couldn’t even walk through a monastery without someone
slipping you their phone number.”
laughed and Cassandra joined in with, “At least in that instance, odds are,
they’d probably be legal. Junior over
there can’t be a day over 18, if that. Brea, they seem to get younger and
Cassie, don’t hate!” replied Brea. “All he did was pour us water, but you have
to admit the boy is fine.”
he is, in a juvenile sort of way,” said Cassandra.
had to disagree. “Please! Girl, he is a young man, but the operative word here
is man!” She said to Cassandra. “Do you think he was wearing contacts? A dark skinned
man with green eyes! Ooh!” and then to Brea she said. “And no point in denying
it, I saw the way you looked at him. You’ll see him again.”
I will,” said Brea. “He’ll be back to get our orders shortly.”
“Whatever. You don’t have to front for us. We know you
like your men young.” Diedra and Cassandra
both knew that Brea didn’t really center her attention on one particular age
bracket when it came to her social life, but she seemed to especially enjoy the
company of younger men. She didn’t deny
that she liked younger men. She liked men in general. Beyond her friends
Diedra, Cassandra, and Shar, she really didn’t seem to bond at all with women. She
was single and she liked to socialize. And she had no shortage of ‘friends’.
reached into the bread basket and selected one of the brŏtchen. She held the
perfectly crusted roll in front of her and inhaled the enticing aroma that
always flooded her senses with memories of Germany. She smiled across the room
at Michael who was headed back toward their table, and spoke to her friends. “I
don’t know about you two, but I’m hungry, so can you please let the man take
our orders without anyone falling out of their chair into the middle of the
thing,” they both said in unison. The waiter came and took their orders and
returned shortly with their food. They each had ordered the Wiener schnitzel
and pom-fritz; breaded veal and French fries. Michael set the plates before
them and asked if there was anything else he could get for them before he moved
on. They all thanked him and turned their attention to their plates. The day’s
events had stirred up healthy appetites among the three women. All three of
them ate in silence and as they finished their meals they began to joke with
each other.
Diedra and Cassandra swore that Michael had favored Brea’s plate with double
portions of everything. They continued with more good-natured teasing about
cradle-robbing and the like. Brea took it all in stride. By the time someone
realized it was after 4:00, they decided it was time to go home. Diedra and
Cassandra excused themselves to the lady’s room, and Brea stayed at the table
to pick up the check.
handed the bill to Brea and smiled flirtatiously at her. She returned his smile
and asked him how old he was anyway. He stood over her and looked into her eyes
in a way that communicated to her that he was definitely not some schoolboy
with a crush. And just in case she didn’t get the message visually, he said “Oh
I assure you that I am definitely legal. Even if the thoughts I’ve had since
you walked in here may not have been. But if it will ease your mind at all, I
am 25 years old and in my last year of grad school.”
laughed, releasing a sigh of relief. She was glad to know that the thoughts
she’d had ever since he approached their table earlier had not been focused on
a minor. “Do you have any idea how old I am?” she asked even though she knew it
wouldn’t matter. She handed him her credit card along with the bill.
quite sure you’re old enough,” he said before he headed toward the cash
register with her payment.
watched him walk halfway across the room and then dug into her purse for one of
her calling cards with her phone number and email address already printed on it.
When Michael returned to the table he returned her credit card and receipt and
she handed him her business card folded inside a ten dollar bill. “It was a
pleasure meeting you. My friends call me Brea,” she said observing his
surprised expression as she got up to leave.
and it was nice meeting you as well. Don’t you lose that receipt now.” He
smiled and winked at her as he moved on to his next table. She put the receipt
in her purse and smiled when she realized that Michael’s name and telephone number
were boldly scrawled across the back.
that goofy grin about?” asked Cassandra as she and Diedra met her at the door.
guess I just look that way,” her smile broadened as she headed out into the
afternoon air replacing her sunglasses.
The three women said goodbye as they got into the two cars. Cassandra
promised to call Diedra that evening and drove off. Brea drove Diedra back to
her home in Mecca Woods and went home to her townhouse on Francis Street. Diedra
reflected on how blessed she was to have such caring friends.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
single mother of twins Diedra meets and falls in love with James, she assumes
that “as long as you both shall live” will be the start of peace, contentment,
and blissful motherhood.
has a full life that often intersects with the lives of three other women:
Breanna, the free and flirtatious spirit; Cassandra, Diedra’s childhood friend;
and Sharnell, an overachiever. And when Diedra’s brood grows to seven after the
birth of triplets, she thinks that surely
her saga is fully written.
when unexpected obstacles suddenly pile on with no end in sight, Diedra must
struggle to save her marriage, brave a frightening diagnosis, and untangle
mysteriously lucid dreams whose meaning remains just out of reach—but which are
increasingly worrisome in their urgency.
top of it all—she’s pregnant again.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Book Review: Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
Redeeming Love is a historical Christian love story set in the gold rush days of California. It is a story that demonstrates God's redemptive love for all who will accept it.
Angel is a brothel woman who has suffered heartache and abuse from the time she was a small child. She has been rejected by the people who were supposed to love and protect her. She has nothing. The only thing she has of her own is her name, which she keeps tucked away and protected from everyone. After all the abuse she has suffered, she does not believe she deserves to be happy.
Michael Hosea is a man who loves God and seeks to live his life according to His Word. When He meets Angel, sparks fly, not all of them good. The two struggle to find their way together. She is afraid to love and to receive love. Michael allows God to use him to show Angel His love.
I loved this story. It was gritty. It was emotional. and it was real. I believe it would make a great movie.
Redeeming Love is not a new book, but it is still available in book stores. If you have never read it, I suggest you do. You won't be disappointed.
Darlene Pryor
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Preparing for Your First Book Launch Party

My book is at the publisher. I have ordered marketing copy. So what now? I am gathering ideas for my Launch party. For most first time authors this can be a very daunting process. I have come across some helpful information that I'm sure can help others. So, please follow the link below to The Complete Book Launch Party Checklist by Tiana Warner:
Friday, August 5, 2016
Monday, July 25, 2016
Excerpt from Dreams Of Tamar by Darlene Pryor
James looked quizzically at Diedra. His wife, she never ceased to amaze him. There were times when he felt as if she really didn’t want to be married to him. As if she just put up with him because he was there. But then there were times, like right now, when he felt as if nothing else existed beyond what the two of them shared. He felt as if she was an extension of himself; as if each breath she took carried life through his lungs. It felt as if his heart pumped blood through her veins. He loved Diedra with all his heart. He had never felt so strongly for another woman before and didn’t believe he ever would or could again. The power of the emotions that erupted inside him when she held him like this was mind-boggling...
excerpt from Dreams Of Tamar by Darlene Pryor
learn more at Palm Arbor Press
God Is Still In Control
David sang to the LORD the words of this song when the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. He said: 'The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior--from violent people you save me. 'I called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and have been saved from my enemies. The waves of death swirled about me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me. The cords of the grave coiled around me; the snares of death confronted me. 'In my distress I called to the LORD; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears.
I am reminded of the three Hebrew boys who said,"Even if our God does not deliver us from this situation, we know he can."
Darlene Pryor
Palm Arbor Press |
Monday, July 18, 2016
Book Review: The Goldenrod by Dan Barnwell
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I loved that the author chose to tell the story through the eyes of the protagonist. From an early age, Benjamin Boozer truly believed he was somehow better than Rodney Hollander, by pure virtue of his birthright. When Rodney didn't live down to Benjamin's low expectations, Rodney was threatened by this kid from the wrong side of the tracks who had the audacity to dare to be great.
I loved the way Mr. Barnwell threaded the beautiful Calhoun County landscape through this tale of two men from different backgrounds, who both learn at different stages in life that we are each responsible for our own destiny.
Kudos to Mr. Barnwell for an enjoyable tale of sport and competition.
Darlene Pryor, the author
Palm Arbor Press
follow me on instagram @darlenpryorauthor
God is still in control.
David sang to the LORD the words of this song when the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. He said: 'The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior--from violent people you save me. 'I called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and have been saved from my enemies. The waves of death swirled about me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me. The cords of the grave coiled around me; the snares of death confronted me. 'In my distress I called to the LORD; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears.
I am reminded of the three Hebrew boys who said,"Even if our God does not deliver us from this situation, we know he can."
I am reminded of the three Hebrew boys who said,"Even if our God does not deliver us from this situation, we know he can."
Darlene Pryor
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Letter to Survivors
For all you survivors out there..Do not lose heart women of God. Neither look to the left nor to the right, but look to the hills from whence comes your help. God's promises for you are sure and he will bring them to fruition in due time. Satan thinks he's got you beat and in the natural it may appear that you are defeated. But God,,,has already worked it all out in your favor. Everything the enemy has done to you has helped to prepare you to step into the destiny that God had for you before you were formed in your mother's womb. You are well able to slay any giants that come against you. Cancer can't defeat you. Lupus can't defeat you. Relationships can't defeat you. Your job can't defeat you. Your boss can't defeat you. Divorce can't defeat you. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU CAN DEFEAT YOU!!! You are more than conquerors. You are blessed and highly favored.
After a long and frustating day at work I went and ran 6 miles on the trail tonight. My runs are always revelatory (or full of revelation). I got off to a rough start. My knees were aching, my ankle was burning and the enemy kept telling me that I should quit because I might have reinjured my ankle. I told myself that I would run to the three mile mark and walk back. I started speaking the word over myself and my family and by the time I got to hiway 204 (3 mi mark) I saw a sign saying Germania Springs was 1.49 miles away. I thought to myself "Its going to get dark before I get back to the high school. Then I realized I was at my turn-around point and I had completed 3 miles. By this time my stride was much smoother than the first half of the run and my breathing was less labored as well. I finished the second half of the run much better than I ran the first half. Who says my latter days won't be better than my former? God wants us to have that marathon faith. We have to finish the course and in due season we will reap if we faint not.
Joseph was in that dungeon for 14 years and during that time I am sure his brothers thought they had got away with their actions. During the 7 years of abundance I am sure they were thanking God daily for their blessings. But when the 7 years of famine came, the only one in the entire region that even had the means to assist them was Joseph, and every promise God had given to Joseph from his youth was fulfilled.#marathon/giantslayerfaith
Darlene Pryor
follow me on instagram @darlenepryorauthor
After a long and frustating day at work I went and ran 6 miles on the trail tonight. My runs are always revelatory (or full of revelation). I got off to a rough start. My knees were aching, my ankle was burning and the enemy kept telling me that I should quit because I might have reinjured my ankle. I told myself that I would run to the three mile mark and walk back. I started speaking the word over myself and my family and by the time I got to hiway 204 (3 mi mark) I saw a sign saying Germania Springs was 1.49 miles away. I thought to myself "Its going to get dark before I get back to the high school. Then I realized I was at my turn-around point and I had completed 3 miles. By this time my stride was much smoother than the first half of the run and my breathing was less labored as well. I finished the second half of the run much better than I ran the first half. Who says my latter days won't be better than my former? God wants us to have that marathon faith. We have to finish the course and in due season we will reap if we faint not.
Joseph was in that dungeon for 14 years and during that time I am sure his brothers thought they had got away with their actions. During the 7 years of abundance I am sure they were thanking God daily for their blessings. But when the 7 years of famine came, the only one in the entire region that even had the means to assist them was Joseph, and every promise God had given to Joseph from his youth was fulfilled.#marathon/giantslayerfaith
Darlene Pryor
follow me on instagram @darlenepryorauthor
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
is a lady full of grace
with a smile on her face
the pain and tears
ready to reveal her fear
Rising to overcome
Friday, July 1, 2016
Dreams of Tamar excerpt
was taken aback by how tired and worn his wife appeared, but he chose not to
say anything in front of the boys. He just looked at her sitting there in their
king-sized bed with the rose patterned, ruffled linen. He would have thought it
too frilly for himself, but Diedra loved the way it looked and he loved the way
she looked in it, soft and delicate. But
now she looked fragile and vulnerable. Terms not usually associated with his wife,
despite her petite frame. He and Trevor walked across the room to the bed. James
leaned over and kissed Diedra lightly on the forehead. Trevor climbed up on the bed and did
likewise. Diedra gave Trevor a squeeze
and looked lovingly at her husband. “I’m sorry I fell asleep last night.”
didn’t you tell me you were having headaches again?”
by the question, Diedra was silent for a moment, and then “How did you know?”
The question was barely audible. James’ gaze displayed that crooked grin that
Diedra used to swoon over.
I’m your husband. I’m supposed to pay attention. Sometimes I may be a little
slow, but I usually catch on to what’s happening with you.” He reached over,
gently massaged the back of her neck, and asked her if she had taken anything
for her headache. As expected, she had not.
Darlene Pryor
Darlene Pryor
Thursday, June 30, 2016
I am so excited! Dreams Of Tamar is being proofread even as we speak. I will be sending the polished manuscript to the publisher in July. Stay tuned!
Darlene Pryor the author
Darlene Pryor the author
Monday, June 20, 2016
Book Excerpt
Please read and rate a very brief excerpt from my upcoming novel, Dreams Of Tamar. at the address below. All feedback is welcome.
Friday, June 10, 2016
they said vs. He said
they said I was too weak, some even said I was too
He said: His strength is in my weakness
they said I couldn’t fight, some even said I already
He said: The battle is not mine
they said the road to success was dark and winding,
some even said impassable
He said: He will make my crooked paths straight
they said the doors would not open, some even said
they were locked
He said: He will open doors no man can close
they said I’d never make it, some even said I’d fail
He said: I’ve already won
they said my past was checkered, some even said it
was shameful
He said: my latter days will be greater than my
they said I wasn’t special, some even said I was
He said: I am the daughter of the King
they said I’m just a girl from nowhere, some even
said I didn’t deserve success
He said: I am blessed and highly favored
They said my past is my destiny, some even said my
past is who I am
He said: I am HIS
Enough said!
by Darlene Pryor
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Book Review: The Search For Sunshine by L. Denet Stephens
The Search For Sunshine is a poignant yet compelling tale of the dysfunctional life of a child who grew up ensconced in the instability of a life bridged between the foster care system and her extended family members.
As I read Sunshine's story of abuse and neglect I was drawn in to her experience and I cried for her and the countless other children subjected to an imperfect system, managed by mostly well-meaning individuals.
This is a story that should be read with the realization that it is not an isolated incident, but thankfully, it is not universal. Fortunately, Sunshine did encounter genuine people in her young life who managed to counter the negativity she experienced.
I highly recommend this book. I read it on my flight from Burbank to Atlanta. It is a quick read, but the effects will linger long after you have turned the final page.
Darlene Pryor
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Life And Plum Trees
up in a military household one learns early that family is one of the most
important factors in our lives. My father was a career service man (Army) and
my family made several major moves during my youth. Our somewhat transient
lifestyle lent itself to our becoming a rather close-knit bunch. As a child
living in those circumstances one learns very early on that their immediate
family is just about the only constant in their life.
I come from a large family. I am the fourth child and second daughter of six
children: three sons and three daughters. There was never a time when I felt
lonely or displaced. No matter where we moved, I always knew there would be at
least one familiar face at our new school and another on the playground. I give
my parents credit for making us feel that no matter where we were, if our
family was together we were at home. My parents both grew up in rural
Louisiana. Their children were born and raised from anchorage, Alaska to Panama
in the Canal Zone.
As a young African American couple
raising a family in the south during the sixties, my parents managed somehow to
make it all seem effortless: raising and providing for a large family and
relocating several times. I have to say that they were ahead of their time. My
mother has worked outside of the home for as long as I can remember. She and my
father both were always very active in all of our youthful endeavors; from
coaching little league and serving as officers on the board of the American Youth
Association, to chaperoning field trips.
Back in Alabama, the two of them would
toil in their vegetable garden in the summer and we would all help with picking
and cleaning greens, or snapping peas, etc. One year when my daddy was clearing
land for the garden my brother and I complained that he was killing the plum
trees. He let us pick a couple of small trees to move up into the yard closer
to our house. He told us we would have to water and nurture them until they
were strong enough to grow on their own.
started out diligently watering our little trees each day, watching to see that
they were striving and looking for fruit to appear. Soon we became
disinterested in watching trees grow and would forget to water them. One hot
afternoon during a dry spell, my daddy called us around back. He asked us what
happened to our trees. We had not even noticed they were dying. Daddy explained
to us that we had taken on the responsibility of these two trees and we could not
turn our backs on them because they did not bear fruit as soon as we would have
liked. He assured us that if we took good care of our trees they would
eventually grow strong enough to strive on their own and give us plums sweeter
than any we could find in the woods or even at the grocery store.
we resumed caring for our trees. They did not bear fruit that first year but
the next year we did have the best plums around. Daddy was right! Those plums
tasted that much better because we knew our efforts had enabled those trees to
grow and produce.
The experience with the fruit trees is
just one example of my parent’s many life lessons that I find myself referring
to as I raise five sons of my own. I often ask how my parents were able to make
it all seem so easy. My mother explained to me that it was never easy. “You
just get your priorities in order, get up and do what you have to do and don’t
sweat the small stuff. The most important thing you can remember each morning
is: if you wake up, it’s a good day.” It took me a while, but today I kind of
think I get the message.
Darlene Pryor
Thursday, May 26, 2016
When I started my first novel, Dreams Of Tamar, it was initially a secular novel. A quarter into the story I got stuck. I had an idea where my characters were going but I didn't know how they would get there.
Then I stumbled across two articles by TD Jakes pertaining to Tamar, David's daughter. I received so much revelation and insight from those two articles, I knew I would change the focus of my story. I prayed about it and I said Lord I know you have a story for me to tell. I will wait for you to give it to me and then I will finish. That was in 2004.
One evening in December of 2014 I was sitting alone in my large empty house. My children had all moved out. AJ was in Tuscaloosa working at an automotive plant in Tuscaloosa and Tim was in Texas working for a professional sports organization. Daniel, Benjamin and Brian had all moved into an apartment together near the local university where Benjamin was enrolled. And there I was, alone with my dog Jack, waiting for my divorce to finalize in January of 2015.
As I reflected over the state of my life I was reminded of the characters in my still unfinished book, Dreams. I prayed to God and asked "Is it time?" I believed that it was. I dug my manuscript from the bottom of a plastic tote in my living room closet and started reading through it. As I read the story, the characters who had lay dormant for 12 years, began to breathe again. As their story unfolded onto the pages before me I became more certain that this was a story God intended to use to uplift and encourage others.
I picked up on the last page and as their story poured onto the screen, I knew this is what I am called to do.
Darlene Pryor
Sunday, May 22, 2016
A poem by Darlene Pryor
am not a weeping willow, nor a shrinking violet.
have tried to break my spirit,
matter what life has brought against me,
spirit remains intact and my will remains strong.
am like butter that has been beaten and whipped into cream.
cream always rises to the top.
am a palm tree.
may rage against me, and fierce winds may blow,
sway back and forth, and I may even bend.
I never, ever, break.
am Tamar.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Hello, my name is Darlene Pryor and I am excited to have this opportunity to introduce myself to you today.
I was born in Ancon, Panama in the Canal Zone. Growing up in a military family, I was fortunate to experience life both in Alabama and overseas in Germany.
My educational background consists of a Bachelor’s degree in Corrections with a minor in Sociology and a Master’s degree in Public Administration. I believe everyone has a story to tell, and as a mother of five sons who is also a breast cancer survivor, I draw from my personal experiences to write of love, redemption and restoration, with the intent of uplifting and encouraging my readers.
I have completed my first novel entitled Dreams of Tamar; a compelling tale of a group of young Christian friends who learn the meaning of grace. I am currently engaged in the editorial process as I embark on my second endeavor, Dreams of Her Father.
I currently reside in Lancaster, Ca.
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